We would like to invite you to join our 2018 CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) Program and be offered the opportunity to join in the potential risks and rewards that can entail from farming in the Pacific Northwest. We would like to show our local community what the surrounding Mt. Hood area can provide through hard-work, dedication, and commitment. All three of these being provided by the farmers and yourself, the members
We're looking to create a symbiotic relationship with our members and to come together as a community and as neighbors. We understand that farming comes with inherent risks and some of these risks are unforeseeable. We also understand that farming most often leads to an over abundance of goods, given the right situation.
At Bearly Farms, we want to grow with our community and to understand our members, just as we encourage our members to be involved and understand the farm. Our intention is to have as transparent of a business as possible, allowing our members to know and understand our gardening techniques, our current and future plans for the farm, and for our members to have a say in where the farm might direct its future goals. We hope for this endeavor to lead us to closer connections to our community and ultimately make food more readily available for our little part of the world.
Farm Share Pick Up Details: Mondays: 4pm - 6pm Alberta St. Co-op 1500 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR 97211
7pm - 9pm The People's Food Co-op 3029 SE 21st Ave, Portland, OR 97202
Tuesdays: 4pm - 6pm New Seasons Market in Happy Valley
7pm - 9pm Welches Thriftway
Our intention is for each member of the farm to be able to receive and enjoy their food share each week. We know that sometimes life gets in the way and we understand. If a member is unable to pick up their share for a certain week, please let us know as soon as possible and we will do everything we can to ensure that the farmer and the member can work through this struggle.
If a member is unable to pick up their farm share:
Have a friend or family member pick up your farm share. Please notify Bearly Farms via phone or e-mail and let us know who will be picking up your share for the week.
Come out to the farm and pick your share
Let us know 24 hours in advance and we will work together on getting you your share
*Any shares that are not picked up without any notification to Bearly Farms will be forfeited and donated.
Be Active with the Farm! Contact us at any time and let us know what you think about the farm and how we are doing. Let us know what we can improve on and what you are looking for. Let us know if you would like to come out to the Farm and learn more about the food that you will be consuming and about how it is grown. E-mail us whenever you would like and please keep in contact with us as much as you desire. We are looking to create long-term lasting relationships within our community and we want to know how we can do that.
Thank you for taking the time to read the Equal-Risks/Rewards Agreement and we are looking very much looking forward to working directly with you and your food.
Your Friend and Farmer at Bearly Farms, Cody Thompson (Kodiac Bearface)